![]() Colloquia Artium appares biannually in July and December. The deadline for submitting articles is: June 25 - for the July Issue (No.1) November 25 - for the December Issue (No.2) The article will be written according to the publication's format. Authors will assume full responsability for the authenticity of the content as well as for the scientific correctness of the article submitted. The manuscripts submitted for publication are peer reviewed blindly. The number of reviewers for the evaluation of an article is 2 and the review time is 30 days. The authors receive one of the following answers from the publisher: "Accepted article" "Article accepted with modifications" "Rejected article" The reviewers will evaluate each manuscript following the criteria listed in the Failure to comply with the standards required by the journal will result in rejection of the manuscripts.
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Submission of articles The text of the article will be written as WORD 97-2003 or later document in Romanian and / or English. Manuscript lenght should be 6 to 15 pages. All submitted manuscripts must have the following structure: Title - The title must be specific and reflect the content of the article. Titles should be presented in uppercases both in English and Romanian. Author(s) - Provide the full name and affiliation of the author(s). Affiliation should include university or organisation, city, country and a valid e-mail adress. Abstract - The abstract both in English and Romanian should not exceed 250 words and will not include citations. Keywords - At most 5 keywords or phrases should be included separated by commas both in English and Romanian Articles presenting the results of experimental researces will be structured as follows: introduction, methods and materials, results, discussion, conclusions. Articles of any other nature or subject will be structured with an introduction followed by the main body of the article and conclusions. Introduction - The introduction should provide the proper context for the article and present the relevance for the given field; also it may include the main results of other authors concerning the subject. Main body - The main body of the article should include the main ideas, results and discussions proposed by the author. Conclusions - The conclusions summarize the paper's findings and generalize their importance for the field recommanding further research Tables and figures or diagrams will be inserted in the text numbered and should not have a resolution higher than 300 dpi. Bibliography is mandatory and must include: Author's full name, title of the article or book cited, publishing house, year of appearance, city, pages cited ARTICLE TEMPLATE |
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