Within University of Oradea the Faculty of Arts is a unique presence that adds value and visibility becoming a landmark of quality and professionalism in Oradea’s cultural landscape.
Our teaching staff is made up of musicians, artists, designers and theoreticians that are professionals in their fields of expertise making our students benefit of a high level education that allow them to get started in their chosen profession under the best auspices.
Faculty's of Arts mission is a didactic one, to educate music and visual arts professionals in the fields for wich study programs have been developed but also for new directions that can be accessed usin the knowledge base accumulated during the years of study, both conceptually as well as professionally. Another mission of our faculty is scientific research and artistic creation.
Research topics of the Visual Arts Department:
Kinetics and instalationism in modern and contemporary sculpture . Studies on historical landmarks determining the sculptural static image with kinetics and instalationist sculpture in contemporary art.
Image and imaginary . Visual field, visual space, composition, design, directing, still image, moving image, painting, film, video art in contemporary art.
Design. Practicing visual metaphor in the context of reinventing aesthetic forms in utilitarian product, development of product design.
New media Challenges and painting and sculpture experiment – (Pop art ) mass culture. Postmodern minimalism, art- painting, sculpture and spatial elegance.
Models of spatialization : Alberti space, polifocal space, continuous space, deconstructed space, cyberspace in contemporary art.
Sculptural ambient, pictorial ambient, fabric ambient. Connections, interferences, osmosis . Artistic visions of intermedia type.
New technologies and materials in the product design, textile design and fashion design .
Plastic space from object to environment. Patterns and other form of class invariants. Modular area in design and decorative arts.
Technical ways of structuring visual messages through painting, sculpture, decorative arts and design.
Research topics of the Music Department:
Old music – new music and its interpretation. Promoting young artists – composers, performers, conductors, actors, directors, playwrights, critics, art by organizing cultural events, concerts and shows.
Music therapy. Studies, roundtables, scientific sessions, workshops.
Journalism, criticism and musicology in periodicals containing scientific studies to date information on Romanian and foreign cultural life. Monitorisation of local and national artistic life and publishing of reviews and studies.
Syncretism of arts. Conducting research teams (students, master teachers) and organizing performances multi and intermedia .
National and universal in modern and contemporary Romanian music. Romanian music research, exploitation of research by interpreting works of various genres (choral, instrumental, vocal-symphonic, opera).
Celebrated composers. Research and publication of scientific studies on the creations of composers celebrated yearly from the biographical, historical, stylistic, aesthetic, analytical, hermeneutical, interpretative aspects perspective (realization of concerts, opera, vocal–symphonic or chamber music)
Quo vadis musica. Current music research from the aspects of contemporary analysis perspective.
1 Universitatii str., 410087, Oradea, jud.Bihor
0259408129 – Secretary
0259408281 – Dean’s Office
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